
An unothodox love story is born when Ana becomes prison penpals with Robert, a deeply resilient incarcerated man. When his sentence and circumstances change, the couple uncovers new purpose through communication tools he discovers with the Realness Project

The Story of Robert & Ana

Episode 1

Episode 2

The Story of Robert & Ana

Realness Project is committed to transforming the culture of incarceration through human connection. Support this work to create a safer society inside and out.



I never thought I could feel so connected, so free, so alive while being locked away in jail. My life has completely changed.

— Nick


“At first I was really dreading this workshop but within 10 minutes I’d changed my mind. I didn’t want it to end! The way it was facilitated was beyond anything I have ever experienced, miraculous to say the least. The workshop has changed the way I look at people and at life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

— Ricardo


“I learned ways of relating at a more intimate level. Keeping an open mind and participating helped me learn new ways of relating and communicating with others. I gained wisdom, patience, and a lot of new skills. Keep doing this, you will help a lot of people. Thank you so much for providing this.”

— Juan


I can truly say this has been one of the most – if not the most – helpful experiences of my life. I was shown how to be happy with who I truly am, and how to let go of ill feelings about people. I hope others get the chance to truly feel what it is to be loved, cared for, and a part of an emotional safe space.

— Frank

 “I will use the things I learned from this workshop for the rest of my life. This weekend was the first time in my life I’ve ever felt comfortable being myself. I’m grateful for everyone who made this possible.”

— Zach

“I had no idea of the profound impact this workshop would have on my life. In just two days I have grown a lifetime. The first exercise of simple eye contact shattered my every defense mechanism. In the end I discovered profound love and compassion for myself through the act of simply authentically relating with others.”

— Dustin


“I learned how to tell my wife and my daughter, in a completely different way, that I love them. I appreciate you. I care for you. I am grateful for you. I am inspired by you. Those things are things I’ve never told them, that I need to tell them now.”

— Brian


This course is exactly what is going to keep people out of prison and keep them in a healthier lifestyle. For me it’s emotional intelligence - getting in touch with how I feel - because I would always just suppress those things until they would erupt like a volcano.

Being able to relate to another person also means that I’m not going to have an outburst on them, but I’m also not going to let them take advantage of me either. We can feel that connection, that we’re all unique and amazing, deep people.

— Connor, Rifle Correctional Facility


"You probably don't realize it, but you really made an impact on me. I've put into practice what I've learned, especially in my relationships, and it's amazing how some things that seem so simple have made such a world of difference in them." 

— Anonymous


“I wish I would've had the opportunity to go through your workshop years ago. I want you to know I feel lucky and blessed to have met you and Laurie. I appreciate you… who you are, the work you're doing, and the difference you made in my life."

— D.B.