Fair Chance Hiring


Expanding Your Team

Are you considering hiring men and women who are returning to society after serving their time? If so, we salute you!

The hiring of fair chance employees can be one of the best strategic moves a company can make. And the Realness Project is here to help.

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“Having gone through the workshop with the Realness Project, I believe

any company can benefit from this! Learning how to communicate better helps all the way around." Jay Doyle, L&R Plant Manager


Why Fair Chance Hiring Can Benefit Your Organization

  • Higher Retention Rates

  • Expanded Talent Pool

  • More Inclusivity, Diversity, and Successful Workforces

  • Attracts Millennials To Your Company

  • Helps Reduce Recidivism

We’d love to bring in RP, but how do we make the time?

We have options for you!

  • Two 6-hour days, virtually or in person

  • Four 3-hour sessions, virtually or in person

  • Six 2-hour sessions, virtually or in person

Let’s work together to create a format that will work for your company.


Important Factors

For as many benefits as there are, there are also important factors to consider when hiring people coming out of incarceration.

Realness Project directly addresses every one of these considerations in our workshops.


Dignity - Serving time behind bars tends to drain people of their dignity.

Normative Behaviors - Surviving in prison requires inmates to learn behaviors that aren’t normative in society.

Feedback - Receiving course correction while in prison can be devastating.


Handling Conflict - The way people on the inside respond to challenging comments and people is sometimes very different.

Trust - It’s hard to know who to trust in prison. The rules are different on the inside.


It’s All About Communication & Relationships

Realness Project excels in teaching people how to communicate when problems arise and things get challenging. All of the tools we teach are directed toward communication and authentic relationship building.  


How to Integrate Formerly Incarcerated People Into Your Workforce


Preparing Management Teams

Through experiential learning practices, management teams build real cohesion and develop skills to effectively interact with and support their new team members.

We will enable your team to assist formerly incarcerated people to develop the communication and relationship skills necessary to be successful in your company.

Realness Project works with your team to develop a shared context for communication, feedback, and conflict management. 


Fair Chance Employees and Your Current Staff

Integration of your new employees with your current staff is important in any work environment.

Realness Project workshops serve to level the playing field so that all employees feel valued and known.

RP workshops are the most effective team building experiences you can provide for your staff. Providing real ROI.

Your employees will have fun learning and practicing real communication skills that will improve their daily performance and enable more productivity and less drama.